Monday, August 29, 2005


Saw a movie this weekend. This is my interpretation of what I saw inspired by Bob Saget, the dad from Full House:

"Pitched an idea of an act to an agent over the weekend about a loving family from Englewood, New Jersey. There's a mother, father, brother bobby and his twin sister Sally. The scene begins in the family salerium (sp?) . Dad and son Bobby are jacking each other off as Sally keeps time with her stop watch. The mother laughs at the spectacle as she takes a shit on Skippy the dog. Then she digs out the remaining shit with her index finger and used it to poke her daughter Sally's right eye out as she sings "the age of Aqurius". The act is finished. They they turn to the audience and bow."

Agent says:

"My God! What a great idea for an act, we kind of have something like that though.... What are they called?"

The Aristocrats!


Anonymous said...

that's a joke!
-that's the idea behind aristocrats. an old foul joke that every comedian knows, recycles, retells and its always funny.

Bob Saget's was the most grotesque.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea for a movie. I will tell you later. -cc*


does it have to do with the aristocrats?

do you have an aristrocrates joke?