Thursday, April 28, 2005

Looking back all I did was look away

Bought Parklife by BLUR and Roxy Music's first album last night. Two albums which should have been in my collection years ago but just never got around to it. Sax bought Queens of the Stone Age instead of Louis X1V after I told him how they sucked ass at Bowery Ballroom the other day.

Louis X1V sucked but the lead singer's pretty persuvasive package pushing past pencil-thin pinstripes was pleasantly pointed out by me to Alexis... I think that she had already peeped that before I did. They all looked super old like 40. The lead singer looked like my roommate's hairdresser. I ate Mc Donalads on Delancey afterwards with Jenny which hit the spot. Cheeseburger and small fries.

The band Thermodytics (not sure what the correct name was- who gives a shit anyway- they sucked too) had an amazing drummer who set his drum kit low- falling over the drums as if they were running away from him, throwing his sticks in the air while slapping the drums with his hands. It was Keith Moon playing in a shitty band.



Queens of the Stone Age is not very exciting even though I think that Homme guy is so hot. He's so manly and big and manly and strong.

alwaysanna said...

Malcuit! Hahahahaha.

Oh. I don't really have much to say, since I've never really listened to these bands. I do have one Louis XIV song on my iPod b/c it was free from iTunes in a sampler (I like it - think it might be called Louis XIV), and have only heard OF QOTSA - everyone is loving them right now.


Keith Moon is hotter of course despite the fact that he is a rotted dead corpse.

malcuit was cute cuz he was tall.

Avram Polinsky said...

I went to a Jamacian place for lunch.
Had some yummi-coco bread.
Just thought I'd share.

Anonymous said...

It pretty much covers Replica related stuff.