Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Can you put a kick into the bass player's wedge?

Saw a lot of bands this long weeknd. Went to Motherfucker where I hung out with Avram and Jenny. Went on a date with a teacher Saturday night. He was kind of wack. Sam. Finished off the weekend with a delicious meal at El Sombrero on Ludlow st. Chicken burrito with a side of sour cream for your pleasure.

Alexis: All the balls I've had were taut.

Bloc Party at Motherfucker was great. I stood in front of the stage. Got pushed but I pushed back. Talked with a cute boy. Jordan. "You're so polite, " I told him. Almost lost my cellphone but Av saved me by clearing a path while I scanned the clubfloor frantically for my phone. Thanks. I saved Av from a hipster who looked like a couture migrant worker. He was probably on E because he loved stroking Av's fluffy j. fro.

Av: help meeeeeeee.

Saw the greatest most horrible band in all of New York City Friday night. Named Heather. They opened for Uppercrust at Northsix.

Imagine a world in which the beatles or nirvana or the strokes never existed... just Dio and Kiss. There was even choreography!!!

Colette: It's as if there was a manual and they treated it like a bible.

Moments later the guitarist Allister Bangs (?) made the sign of the cross while waxing poetic on his axe- his ass hanging out of his tight blue jeans- his ratty chest hairs seaping out of his matching demin vest- the sweat beading off his porno mustache. There was a trampoline!!! What a sight to be seen. They were not being ironic! They were the second coming rocking to save our souls.

lead singer: My voice is fucked up tonight from eatin too much pussy.

They even paid homage to Jersey nights.



Allison Bojarski said...

if you ever go see that band again, you have to invite me along--they sound stupendous.

Anonymous said...

my eyes! oh my eyes!

Anonymous said...

I've never read a blog until my girlfriend started one and now I can't stop but they're all real shitty except yours. I mean this as a compliment.

Avram Polinsky said...

Bloc Party was sweet, but my ears are still ringing from all the noise. That place gave me a headache between the booze, the noise, and all the flashing lights in my face.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for saving me from that creep. I wasn't trying to punch him and wind up in Riker's Island where I would only be harrassed by more guys.


I totally thought that you liked the attention, av. I am usually good at noticing when my girlfriends are annoyed. you were my first boy to save!

thanks anoynomous! do you and your girl live in nyc? couples that meet in nyc are bound to fail! one must look to other states or countries or nerve.com

Avram Polinsky said...

What made you think I liked any of that?
I'd be stoked if a girl was giving me attention like that.
That guy I think was trying to grab my ass or something and I told tell him to back off then he was like "F you", but then he got in my face and touched my hair and I was hoping he'd go away after that but he didn't and then you saved me.
Some people are maybe friendly when drunk or something like that, but he was freaking me out, and it was much too crowded and I can only be friendly/poliete to a stranger for about 10 seconds unless it is a girl.


that's kind of hot that he said fuck you then stroked your hair. he's probably a passionate lover.

thanks for the friendster testimonal, homey.