Friday, March 03, 2006

Oh Promise Not to Cry Anymore!

So its countdown, Dear Reader to the next job! I love the last days at a job. So much expectation and so much relief all at once... And I am not going to be no one's bitch this time around sucka!

Will I like this new job? Or do I hate every job because I am a malcontent like Sax says I am.

I am never satisfied.

My replacement was hired yesterday and the only thing I know about him is that he can stink up a bathroom- which I discovered much to my dismay 15 minutes later while he was well into his final interview with my boss. Hope he washed his hands...


Interview with my new boss:

So what do you love most about publicity?

I HAVE TOLD EVERYONE THIS STORY AT LEAST TWO OR THREE TIMES...Its pretty lame and I am glad that everyone still talks to me.

Yummicoco: Well... (scanning the room, spotting some green plastic thing with paper clips shooting out of it on his desk)

Wait, what is that? a turtle?

New boss: I think its a hedgehog

Yummicoco: Well, I love taking something like that hedgehog or turtle and creating mythology...


I just ripped our bike messenger service a new one over the phone in order to avoid an extra charge for our client, yet at Citibank, I let a worker get out of helping me rectify something with my online account. She advised me to call their 1-800 number instead. I ate her bullshit happily and proceeded to B. Dog's for tomato soup and half tuna.

Its Friday and I know how to pick my battles.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new job. And don't worry, you're not the only malcontent out there. Although I think misanthrope might be another good word : ) Hope to see you soon . . .

alwaysanna said...

Congrats on the new job, Yummi! Peace out to the suckas and the ghetto bike messengers!

Anonymous said...

I got mad love for the bike messengers! Always!


Dashiell said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Dashiell, Hi Donner, Hi Blitzen....

-yummi c.